Our Services


Dog Grooming


We offer high quality all-inclusive grooming packages for dogs of all sizes. From a tiny chihuahua to a giant Irish Wolfhound, our facility can handle it all. We strive to make your dog as comfortable as possible with personalized, one- on -one grooming with a seasoned veteran of the grooming industry. 

Bath and Brush Package- Our bath and brush package includes the best products for your dog's specific coat needs. The package also includes a full brush out, nail clipping, and ear cleaning. 

Tidy- Up Package- Our tidy- up package is for those in -between haircut times. If your dog isn't ready for a full haircut, but could use a little neaten up, then this is the best package for you. We will use our top quality products specific to your dog's coat needs. The package also includes a brush out, nail clipping and ear cleaning. We finish the service with a trim up of your dog's face, feet, and sanitary areas. 

Full Haircut Package- Our full haircut package is a full clean up. We use the best products for your dog's coat needs, brush them out, and do nail clipping and ear cleaning. We also do a full haircut to the agreed- upon specifications to make your dog look and feel great.


Cat Grooming

We offer cat grooming for our feline friends who can tolerate the grooming procedure. Cat grooming can be stressful for cats that are unaccustomed to grooming, but with our low stress- environment and one- on- one grooming, we aim to make cats as comfortable as possible during their grooming experience.

Bath and Brush Package- This package is for long- haired or short- haired cats. Most cats keep themselves clean; however, some cats still require bathing. We will clip nails and brush out shedding hair along with a bath in our Artero specialty cat- specific shampoo.

Full Haircut Package- The full haircut package is designed for long or medium haired cats who have trouble grooming themselves. A full haircut, as agreed upon by the groomer and owner, with or without a bath, will help keep skin and coat feeling and looking great. 


Please call us with any questions regarding our packages or to get a personalized price quote today! (610)269-2628